
what we do

leadership and people development

Seed Consulting’s Inward… Outward… Forward approach to learning is a flexible learning solution for leaders at all levels within an organisation.

True leadership comes from individuals understanding themselves, others and the organisational direction. Inward… Outward… Forward… gives leaders the skills, knowledge and attitude for success.

Inward - self awareness is the key to successful leadership. Knowing the impact we have on others, the way we manage complexity and the way we make decisions means we can operate in a more meaningful and mindful manner.

Outward - analysing and developing techniques to generate and foster better relationships that in turn develop better business. Depending on where our view of the organisation is, the learning focus varies; for example it may be a focus on management fundamentals or a more strategic view for executives.

Forward – Leading others means taking them to a place they have never been before…Outward develops creative new ways of viewing the world to be able to navigate the future for the people around me. It’s is about making sense of the organisational strategy and getting on with to make it happen.

Please contact us for information on how inward… outward… forward… can be implemented with your organisation’s leaders.

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