module 1: the business of learning
Learning is no longer regarded as a support service to workers. It has a clear place in ensuring organisational strategies can be achieved. This learning module elevates the learning and development professionals understanding of the role they play in creating the type of organisation the executive are searching for. The role they play is beyond learning content and clearly positioned as a strategy for creating the future.
design your business of learning module with these topics
- Learning and organisational strategic direction: The business case
- Learning and business relationships
- Learning and organisational culture
- Learning as a change catalyst
- Learning for the non learning executive
- Bespoke design and development
module 2: leading learning teams
Learning and organisational development teams have characteristics that require a specialised leadership focus. Learning team leaders are often leading very complex teams.
teams of people who report to them and some that report to other parts of the business and yet others that are called upon for their subject matter expertise.
Their workplaces can be diverse they may work in organisational training rooms, external venues, regionally, interstate and with global reach internationally
Learning teams have a range of roles designers, trainers, facilitators, consultants, team leaders, coordinators and many more
Their learning focus is as complex as their organisation they may have people focus, task, IT, change, technical and other specialised skills
… and then there are the external providers!
These leaders need to have diverse leadership capability and boundless energy to manage this level of complexity.
These leaders are the role models of leadership behaviour it’s a big job and you ready for it?
Leading Learning Teams explores the people leadership issues facing these unique and energising teams.
The most exciting and yet challenging team to lead… the learning team.
This module is also available as executive coaching.
design your leading learning team module with these topics
- Leading a learning team
- Performance Management for a learning team
- Sustain the sustainer
- Managing a SME
- Managing outsourcing
module 3: from presenting to facilitating
This module is designed for learning professionals and subject matter experts who may or may not have competed Certificate IV training and are looking for ideas and techniques on how to have a high impact on their learners.
Learning is now more than ever being facilitated by those who are not learning and development professionals. People who take on the broad learning role of assisting others to learn in a group environment are often referred to as subject matter experts (SME). This module of learning recognises for the first time the importance of developing learning skills for the SME.
This selection of topics suits the range of learning and development expertise in your team. The new trainer, the SME and the trainer/ facilitator with some experience will all develop skills, expertise and confidence through this learning module.
From presenting to learning is a highly creative learning journey where participants are able to maximise learner engagement.
design your from presenting to facilitating module with these topics
- The learning environment
- Train the Trainer – for trainers and subject matter experts
- Becoming a more effective facilitator
- Managing difficult learners
module 4: mastering facilitation
Mastering Facilitation learning module provides the experienced facilitator and learning professional with an environment to develop their professional skills. This module is designed for the facilitator who wants to raise their skill level to mastery. They want the opportunity to practice and receive real feedback from professionals and develop strategies to improve their performance.
This highly creative learning journey will stimulate and reenergize the skilled learning professional.
design your mastering facilitation module with these topics
- Mastering facilitation
- Personal presence
- Authenticity
- Immersion learning
- Story Telling
module 5: sustainable learning
Learning and organisational strategies need to last the distance, need to meet the business needs, and need to make a difference. They also need to be responsive and flexible. sustainable learning guides leaders and executives who are responsible for ensuring that learning and organisational development strategies last the distance. They bring the future into focus and head toward it full steam.
Sustainable learning takes responsibility for the future of the organisation from a learning perspective. Strategies are created and implemented with organisational sustainability at its heart.
design your sustainable learning module with these topics
- Sustainable Learning
- Layered Learning Responsibility
- Learning and Leadership Development